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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Very Encouraging Video

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This Weekend the Girls learned to DREAM ON!.....

This weekend we packed up and headed to Ontario California for the Revolve tour. The Revolve Tour is like the Women of Faith conference but for teenage girls. We took 13 young ladies with us this weekend and we were so blessed. There were many great speakers at eh tour, such as Chad Eastham, Britt Nicole, Jaime Grace, Katheryn McCormick, and Jenna Lucado Bishop. They all really ministered to the girls and they were truly blessed. There were also some great music, Group 1 Crew came and they were such a blast! Britt Nicole and fun and exciting and also Hawk Nelson played. The girls had such a great time!

  The best part for me as a leader was the chance to talk to the girls about what they learned on the way home. I don't know everything about each one of my girls lives but I do know bits and pieces. Over the course of the weekend I was listening to the teachings and I just knew that what the speakers were saying was exactly what my girls needed to hear. On the way home the girls and me got to talking and I asked them what they learned? Each one of them had a totally different answer.

One of the girls told me that she learned that a "boy need to be able to tell you to your face that he likes you and then back it up with his actions. Actions speak louder then words."

Another one of the girls told me that it is important to know who she is as a person before she is in a relationship or before she can decide who she wants to be someday.

One of our younger girls asked her mom about acting worthy and how if girls don't act like they have self worth guys wont treat them like they do and then they talked about all the things girls accept their friends calling them bad names like its a cool thing, and then about is is ok to even let a boy to full on hug you. 

These are just a few of the amazing things the girls learned this weekend. I know as a leader this was so encouraging and I was so blessed to be a part of the fun, the conviction and their dreams coming true. The conference wasto help the girls learn that dreaming is not a bad thing when you let the Lord direct those dreams. As a leader I want to always encourage them to DREAM ON! 

Lindsay Jo Drew (Mama Linzi) 

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Youth are heading out...

This weekend the kids are heading off to winter camp. We are very excited as leaders to take them away from the distractions that this world has a help them come to a quiet place where they can hear God. We are blessed to have the opportunity to be with them this weekend and just love on them and fellowship with them. Our theme this year is "From Victory", the leaders are preparing this week to share about the amazing victory that Jesus has over death. We are excited to see how the Lord leads the leadership, not only from our church but also from the other groups that are going to camp with us.

The kids also had a very busy weekend. On Saturday the 5th, we had a cooking day, where the kids came together to cook food to sell after church on Sunday for the Super Bowl. The kids had so much fun and it was a blast. We would like to thank the Crampton family for allowing us to use their home and also for everything they gave us.

Then Sunday the kids sold all the food and they made around $390. All the money they earned is going toward their winter camp this coming weekend. We have a busy week ahead of us but we are very excited for what the Lord has planned. Please keep the leaders in prayer all week as they get everything per paired and also for the youth as they prepare their hearts for this weekend.

Lindsay Jo Drew

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Little Touch Up...

Hello everyone, this is Lindsay writing today and I just wanted to share with you some things going on in youth group these days...

This past weekend was our church clean up day. A few of our youth kids came and helped us give our youth room some much needed TLC. We fixed up the couches, painted a little, created some new art work for the walls, created a new birthday calendar, gave the room a deep cleaning and had a great time of fellowship.

We were very blessed to spend the day serving with our kids, we are looking forward to spending more time with them as time goes on. As a leader I personally want to do more activities where we are serving others. I think it will be great to show our youth what serving is and how they can serve the people around them. 

We have some events coming up in the next couple of months, things like winter camp, a super bowl party, we are teaching Sunday school the last Sunday in January and we are planning a great day of service for the body in march.

The kids have been studying the book of Mark and they are really enjoying it. The past couple weeks we have taken a break to learn about being the person God has called us to be and how sometimes the world offers you things that look great but they are never better then what the Lord has planned.

The kids in our group are eager to learn and the leadership is eager to teach. We are excited and blessed to have this opportunity to teach and fellowship with them.

These are just a few of my thoughts...

I will try my hardest to keep you posted...

Lindsay Drew
(Leader, teacher, wife & friend)